Friday, June 26, 2015

translucentbrownsugar Instagram : Thank God for freedom of THOUGHT. If you don't believe in marriage equality, then GOOD THING no one's forcing you to be celebrating in West Hollywood tonight alongside my friends who have fought long and hard for their rights 😝❤️ I was honestly surprised to see so much opposition to the supreme court ruling today on social media. Especially from young people. This is my joyful (but still chillin), unbothered, glowing with strength and optimism (helped by this bomb sunset/ natural lighting) face. We have a ways to go until all people in this country feel equally protected, represented, understood, etc. But tonight, we celebrate one vibrant community's victory that can give us all hope for a more united America. 🙏🏼 - June 27, 2015 at 05:22AM

View hot Instagram pics by translucentbrownsugar - June 27, 2015 at 05:22AM

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